Many seasoned landlords have at least one story to tell about a nightmare tenant that has cost them more in repairs, time, money, and grief than they ever dreamed of. To those veteran landlords out there who think they have seen it all, wait until you hear the following stories from poor landlords who have shared their ‘Tenants from Hell’ stories on Reddit!

  1. “We had one tenant who wouldn’t pay rent. We followed the protocols to evict him but he kept getting the judge to agree to an extension. He ended up staying rent-free for seven months. He also complained about anything and everything.”


  1. “I had a tenant remove the kitchen island and bring it outside by the pool because they needed an outdoor serving area.”


  1.  “When I was a little kid, my parents bought a cheap house in a neighboring town and fixed it up to rent. Two young women moved in and were great. Just out of college, working entry-level and getting by, no trouble. They called at 6 pm on Christmas Eve because there was a spider in the house … Not a horror story by any stretch, but it makes me laugh.”


  1.  “One day we were served a notice that Kate was taking us to small claims court. Why? Because her washing machine was not working. Had she reported the problem to management? Nope. The maintenance man and I entered the unit that afternoon to fix the washing machine. The problem? It was unplugged.


  1.  “This happened to my friend’s rental. Guy gets evicted. Instead of trashing the place. [He] cuts off chunks of drywall, put dead fish in the walls, and sealed it back up. [The] Tenant was a carpenter. The owners couldn’t figure out the smell for weeks. They repainted, got it professionally cleaned a few times, searched endlessly. Eventually, they figured something died in the walls.”


  1.   “Once I had a tenant let her sister move into her house ‘for a weekend visit’. That Monday the tenant moved back in with her estranged husband and the sister stayed. After a month of normal payments the tenant missed a payment so I messaged the tenant and was told, ‘I don’t live here anymore. My sister has a key and won’t leave. Sorry.’


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H/T: Reddit